Coronavirus Crisis Just take care of yourself with these Dos and Donts in the age of Lock down

The time we are living in right now is the age of the Coronavirus crisis which led the Government of India to lock down everything. Excluding the basic necessities like food, milk, medical, media, and security, nothing is functioning as the strict rules and regulations are keep following in the country to stop Coronavirus. India will be following lockdowns rules and regulations until 14 April. The idea behind this major step is various countries that are doing the same to curb the
Coronavirus and save its people. 

China, who brings this disease to the whole world has controlled the situation by the two-months lockdown in their country. The country says that all the new cases which have registered in the hospitals are coming from abroad. Thus this makes India continue its 10 days lockdown to 21 days to cleanse the disease from its country.

But is lockdown really making a change in reducing the growth of Coronavirus patients? It will be working until people understand some Do's and Dont's while staying at home. 

Dont let the Fomites play the role of an agent of Covid-19 to make it spread while the lockdown

The epidemiologists use the term Fomites which carries infection through the clothes, newspapers, mobile phones, ATM machines, the front desk of a shop and buttons in a lift. The numbers are more as any person who is infected can surely touch these items. 

Recalling the history when SARS, coronavirus found in Hong Kong, 2002, and these fomites were the major reason which spread the virus dangerously in the country. It also depends on the frequency of a virus staying on these objects. Meanwhile, there is a new update in this attack of Coronavirus that is, it officially named as a SARS-CoV-2 which is detected as a new virus to humans. Studies are still underway to know about it everything.

Precautions you should be taken while staying at home !

1. Avoid meeting with people who are sick or suffering a cough, cold and fever. Here you have to make at least three feet distance from a sick person.

2. Dont touch your eyes, mouth, and nose without washing your hands if you have just entered the home after the outdoor visit.

3. Avoid going outside if you are sick.

4. Just make sure that you are carrying tissue or napkin with you while coughing and sneezing and never forget to dispose of it safely.

5. While staying at home, you just make sure that you are keeping your household clean after detecting any infectious objects.

6. As per the recommendations of the Centres Of Disease Control: A wearing mask is necessary when you are taking care of an ill person. Also, the person who are suffering from the minor disease should keep his mouth under the mask.

7. Wash your hands at least 20 seconds before dining, drinking and making contact with your mouth, eyes, and nose.

8. In case if water and soap are not available at the moment, then use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that is having 60% alcohol. If your hands are visibly dirty then prefer to use soap and water rather than sanitizer. 

9. Those who are encountering fever, cough and breathing difficulty then immediately seek medical attention as these are the Covid-19's symptoms. 

10. Last but not least just follow the travel advisory issued by Ministery Of Health and Welfare as the nation is under the Lockdown for 21 days to break down the chain of Coronavirus.

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