Convocation Ceremony March 2021: DIDM Unveils The Life of Digital Marketer

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Delhi Institute of Digital Marketing organized a Convocation ceremony on 20th March 2021, felicitating all its graduating students of the Digital Marketing course.

Before the commencement of the felicitation ceremony, the host addressed the gathering and shared the placement report of the alumni. Next, the Trainer Head of DIDM congratulated the distinguished alumni for their achievements. He expressed his own experience and discovery he found in the recent years of Digital Marketing's domain. The session between trainers and all the alumni was always a delightful moment for every member presented at the time.


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One of the highly experienced trainers of DIDM said,  “Your life as a Digital Marketer will not always be easy. You will not always win. You will at times be frustrated, and even heartbroken.” He asked them not to lose heart at such time.

Students who're going through the onboard training shared their own experiences and learning. During the session, they highlight the achievements of their on-board training as an example to motivate others.

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Now the students who've just finished their course and all set to enter the real world will be following the below tasks to live the Life As A Digital Marketer

  1. Start Your Day with Email: Now, Email will start your day in the office. This practice is helping out you to manage your time as per the work priorities. In a recent environment of office culture, any internal request is may by email. By keeping a track of these emails will save you time to meet the new task
  2. Monitoring and Responding: Meet Google Analytics as your new best friend. Generating report is a big task in Digital Marketing. Monitor the data all through the day and check out the performance of your work plan strategy.
  3. Content Creation and Campaign Management: This category involves all media activities from social media platforms to email marketing and paid advertising campaigns. These activities is structured to meet the goals set in your Digital Marketing Strategy.
  4. Website Management: Being a Digital Marketer, your role is here to make sure that all pages of your company's website are fully functional and optimized for SEO. Digital Marketing experts uses Google webmaster tools to ensure that nothing would miss.
  5. Collaborate: Sometimes, your job role also includes meetings and working with other departments like HR, Sales, Customer Service to coordinate. So that the marketing strategy can implement properly.
  6. Networking with Influencer: In the digital marketing world, networking is an important tool for success. Read influencer's posts and share your views in the comments will build a relationship between both of you. An influencer is those who hold a strong and loyal social media following.

The convocation ceremony marked the conclusion of the Digital Marketing course in Noida and it has received an overwhelming response. It was an event filled with nostalgia and excitement.

We advised the students to always be prepared, always be willing to take initiative, and to grab the opportunity that presents itself before them, saying that “you are the reflection of the opportunities you seize and the chances you miss.”

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We wish all our students a great and successful journey ahead. Indeed the academic superiority and reputation of any institute build on the quality of education it provides. Delhi Institute of Digital Marketing is serving as the best training institute for Digital Marketing all over Delhi and the best digital marketing institute in Gurgaon. The special moment was being cheered on by all the staff available there.

Read More: DIDM Convocation Ceremony 2021: Rising New Faces Of Digital Marketing

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